rural art — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


rural art

2013 Fields Project Part 4: Process

My Candy Colored World, New Work, Process, TravelAnne LeuckComment

Part 4 from the Fields Project:  PROCESS

Unlike my plein air compatriots, I work via sketches and photographs. Mostly driving around the first few days of the residency and then setting up my outdoor studio at Castle Rock State Park. This year, I only spent a short time up there due to weather and ticks. I spent two afternoons painting in one of the enormous storage sheds at the Bocker and the morning doves, they didn't really appreciate my prescence but they graciously spared my artwork their droppings!





No, this cow was not this tall, but I couldn't resist making this comical rendition.

My work was more abstract than usual, this year. I was fascinated by the patterns of the driveways at the farms and the simple shapes of things.